Tribal Rugs Cleaning Process


The cleaning methods that are used on Oriental rugs can also be used for Tribal Rugs Cleaning Boca Raton. Tribal Rugs were made by nomadic ethnic groups. These exotic floor pieces include rugs that originated from Turkey, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, or Persia. Most of them were made on flat wooden looms which were relatively portable during those times since the tribes were constantly traveling in order to find more hospitable places. Tribal Rug Cleaning was made from materials that can be found around them, like the plants, animals, and minerals from the earth. The designs and patterns of the rugs were inspired by the mountains, flora, and fauna that were before them. Their history and culture as a tribe were also sources of inspiration for the nomadic weavers. You can be sure that every tribal rug is unique.

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The patterns and designs that run along the entire antique rugs are usually colorful, geometric, and sharp, making them easy to distinguish from the ubiquitous Oriental Rug. Most of the tribal rugs have fewer knots per inch. Ghashghaei, Khan Mohammadi, Balouchi, and kilims are some of the most popular types of tribal rugs. A Professional Oriental Rug Cleaning Boca Raton can be hired to give the tribal rug the care and maintenance it needs, especially the antique variety. If you happen to be one of the lucky few to acquire genuine, antique tribal rugs, then you should give it the best care it needs. This will guarantee that the floor piece will last longer.

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Regular cleaning is still the best way to go. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the dirt and grime that are collected on the tribal rug. These rugs are generally smaller than Oriental rugs so you can turn them over to vacuum the underside for a more thorough cleaning. For stains and spills, the key is to clean them up immediately. Liquids must be blotted out with a damp cloth. Solids have to be brushed off with a soft bristle brush. When the stain is too difficult to remove, the best solution would be to bring the tribal rug to a rug cleaning company. In order to keep the rug looking great and free from anything that can damage or destroy it, Professional Tribal Rug Cleaning is highly recommended. For other rug types like sisal, it is highly recommended to hire a Sisal Rug Cleaning Boca Raton expert as well.

Hiring Professional Cleaners is the Best Way Go

Tribal rugs cleaning in Boca Raton cannot be done the DIY way, especially for the old tribal rugs which tend to be quite fragile at their age. Because the antique varieties were not made the traditional way, the fibers are more delicate and tend to fade. These are the properties of tribal rugs that typical rug owners would not be able to handle without taking the risk of damaging the floor piece. Professional rug cleaners have the training, skills, and experience needed to be able to deal with tribal rug care and maintenance. They know exactly what they have to do to clean your precious tribal rug in the most careful yet thorough way. You can rest assured that the rug is given the tender loving care it deserves.


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