Persian Rug Cleaning

Cheap Persian Rug Cleaning Miami is an often searched keyword for people looking to find someone to clean their Persian rugs.  Oriental Rug Care has been hand washing fine textiles for over 26 years now.  With over 25 years in experience we only keep getting better.  Cheap Persian Rug Cleaning Miami services that are offered are rug hand washing of silk and wool rugs as well as synthetics rugs.  Our process is unique in the fact that we use soft compressed air to remove all the dry particles out of the rugs including dog dandruff.  This is very important because you would never want a company just to vacuum your Persian rug then steam clean it.  Occasionally a rug needs to be completely submerged in water like it was originally done in the country of origin. Then the rug needs to be dried properly and brushed out, in the end, to get the rug smelling cleaning, and feeling fluffy.  Youtube is filled with videos of rugs being done like this in India and all over the middle east.  At times you will see massive amounts of rug brought down the local water hole or river.  You can see the people washing it then laying it out in the rug to get the rug dry.  Well, you can imagine how heavy a rug would be when it is wet, it takes an army of people to lift it out of the water and squeegee the water out.

My favorite photos I see on the net are people in India and Pakistan, usually, a group of people is using wood utensils to agitate the rug. I always wonder if they are singing a song, LOL

Miami Carpet Cleaners

So when you search the net and you are looking for someone to wash your rug the proper way and you did a google search with the term rug cleaners Miami, our site should show up in position number one.  We put a lot of effort to be in the first position of google.  We understand the importance of hiring the right company to clean the rug properly.  Especially since the rug isn’t cleaned often enough to begin with.  Rug are like an air filter.  It filters the dust and all the other stuff that is floating in the air that otherwise ends up next to the baseboards of your floor.  It is very healthy for indoor health reasons to have rugs in your house.  Plus it really compliments your style.  I have a bunch of rugs in my house and there is a couple that I am extremely fond of and enjoy marveling at.  Have your rugs cleaned properly and call Oriental Rug Care today to have us clean them!

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