Rug Padding


Rug Padding Fort Lauderdale: The other day we had a unique job that we did.  A regular client of ours from Victoria Park in a lovely downtown Ft Lauderdale neighborhood called for us to pick up a Zebra hyde and also a lion’s head, yes a LION’S head.  Talk about spooky having the lion’s head sitting on your desk for a few days in safekeeping so nothing would happen to it in our busy rug cleaning plant.  It got to the point when I was looking up and felt as if the lion and I were actually staring at each other! Well, I finally turn my head facing the other corner of the room, it was just too strange!

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About the animal hyde, after many years of it being on the floor and it starting to show wear and tear on certain parts of the hyde, we came to the conclusion that it would be best to custom cut a pad so that the wear and tear would now go on the padding, not the animal hyde saving the fibers.  As you can see from the video our repair specialist took, he did an outstanding technical job cutting this custom pad.  I have to say it was our first!

The rug padding Fort Lauderdale we sell is the best quality and we go through many rolls of fresh silk rug padding fort Lauderdale each month.  Another benefit of the pad is that when a custom cut pad is purchased from us we offer a free lifetime area rug cleaning.  Our rug padding will stop all fiber from moving, it’s our guarantee!

Rug Padding Fort Lauderdale

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