Area Rug Care Service Company


Oriental rugs are works of art that offer refinement and beauty to any room. However, due to exposure to sunshine, foot traffic, and other environmental variables, the brilliant colors of these wonderful rugs may fade with time. There’s no need to be disheartened if you own a Revive Faded Oriental Rug Colors in Miami, Florida. Oriental Rug Care provides specialist rug cleaning services, including skilled oriental rug color repair. In this blog, we will look at how our services can help you restore the faded hues of your valuable carpets, ensuring they continue to enhance the visual appeal of your house.

Why Choose Oriental Rug Care?

We understand the personal and monetary importance that oriental rugs carry at Oriental Rug Care. We take pleasure in being one of the top rug cleaners in Miami, Florida, with over a decade of experience in rug cleaning and restoration. Our professional artisans and technicians are committed to preserving the beauty and quality of your rugs, and our oriental rug color correction service demonstrates this dedication.

Revive Faded Colors with Oriental Rug Color Correction

Rug colors that have faded can dramatically reduce the visual impact of your oriental rugs. Our oriental rug color correction procedure is meant to revitalize faded colors and return the rug to its former splendor. This complex procedure necessitates a thorough understanding of rug colors, fabrics, and weaving techniques, all of which our professionals possess. We identify the optimal color repair methods for your unique rug through meticulous examination and study.

Our color correction process involves:

  • Color Matching: Our expert artisans study the original colors and design of the rug. We make unique dyes that closely match the original hues of the rug using a blend of old methods and modern technologies.
  • Precise Application: The unique dyes are precisely applied to the rug’s fading spots. Our professionals pay close attention to detail, ensuring that the colors mix in with the existing pattern.

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  • Gentle Washing: Following color correction, the rug is gently washed to fix the colors and eliminate any residue. This procedure ensures that the resurrected colors will last.
  • Drying and Finishing: To prevent color bleeding or fading, the rug is thoroughly dried in a controlled environment. Once the color correcting process is complete, our experts execute any necessary touch-ups.

Preserving the Beauty of Oriental Rugs

We think that preserving the beauty of oriental rugs is both an art and a science at Oriental Rug Care. Our rug cleaning service extends beyond color correction to include thorough cleaning and restoration to ensure your rug retains its value and attractiveness.

  • Deep Cleaning: While regular vacuuming can remove surface filth, deep-seated dust and pollutants can build up over time. Our comprehensive cleaning method removes these concealed particles, improving the overall appearance of the rug.
  • Expert Techniques: Our professionals understand the complexities of rug weaving and coloring procedures. This knowledge enables us to give customized treatment that is suited to the specific qualities of each rug.
  • Protective Measures: We provide rug positioning and maintenance instructions to help avoid future fading and wear. Our goal is to ensure that you can enjoy your oriental rug for many years to come.

Contact Us for Expert Rug Cleaning in Miami

Restoring faded rug colors necessitates a deft touch and a thorough understanding of rug craftsmanship. Oriental Rug Care, Miami’s top rug cleaning service, is dedicated to bringing your oriental rugs back to life. Our oriental rug color correction service is just one method we keep your rugs looking beautiful and vivid.

Contact Oriental Rug Care immediately if you’re ready to breathe new life into your faded oriental rug. Please contact us at 561-353-0428 or Our knowledgeable staff is happy to help you maintain the beauty and elegance of your prized oriental rugs. Trust us to be your rug care and restoration partners, and witness the transformation firsthand.


Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could..