Oriental & Area Rug Cleaning


Oriental & area rug cleaning are not just decorative pieces but they also hold sentimental and cultural value for many families. These rugs are often passed down from generation to generation and hold stories of the past. Therefore, it is important to maintain and care for them properly. Oriental Rug Care is a professional rug cleaning company in West Palm Beach that offers a variety of services such as rug cleaning, rug repair, rug restoration, and pet odor & stain removal service.

Rug Cleaning

Oriental Rug Care offers a thorough and safe cleaning process for all types of rugs, including Persian, Turkish, Chinese, and other oriental and area rugs. Our oriental & area rug cleaning process involves a six-step method that ensures the rug is cleaned to the highest standard possible.

The first step is to inspect the rug for any stains, damage or wear and tear. This helps our technicians to identify the most appropriate cleaning method for the specific rug. Next, we use a gentle and eco-friendly vacuum cleaner to remove all the loose dirt and dust from the rug.

After that, we pre-treat any stains or spots with a specialized cleaning solution that is designed to be gentle on delicate fibers. We then use our rug washing machine, which is specifically designed to clean rugs without causing any damage. The rug is washed using a mild detergent and then rinsed with clean water.

Once the rug is washed and rinsed thoroughly, we use a centrifuge to remove any excess water from the rug. This is a crucial step as it helps to speed up the drying process and prevents any water damage. Finally, the rug is hung up to air dry completely before it is wrapped and delivered back to the client.

Rug Repair

Oriental Rug Care understands the value of a well-maintained rug and therefore offers rug repair services to clients who need to repair their rugs. Our team of experienced and skilled technicians can repair a range of damages such as holes, tears, frayed edges, and damaged fringes.

We use traditional rug repair techniques to ensure that the rug is repaired to the highest quality. Our rug repair services include binding, fringing, reweaving, patching, and more. We also provide free pickup and delivery services to make the process as convenient as possible for our clients.

Rug Restoration

Oriental Rug Care offers rug restoration services to clients who have antique or valuable rugs that need restoration. Over time, rugs can become worn and damaged due to exposure to sunlight, dust, and other factors. Our restoration services aim to restore the rug to its original state and preserve its value.

Our team of experts carefully examines the rug and identifies the damages that need to be repaired. We then use a range of techniques such as color restoration, reweaving, and re-fringing to restore the rug. We also provide consultation services to our clients on how to properly care for and maintain their restored rugs.

Pet Odor & Stain Removal Service

Pets are a beloved part of many households, but they can sometimes cause damage to rugs by leaving stains and odors. Oriental Rug Care offers a specialized pet odor and stain removal service to address these issues.

Our pet odor and stain removal service involves identifying the source of the odor or stain and using specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to remove it. We use eco-friendly and safe solutions that are gentle on delicate fibers and do not cause any damage to the rug. Our team of experts can also provide advice on how to prevent future pet-related damages to rugs.


Oriental Rug Care is a professional rug cleaning company in West Palm Beach that offers a range of services such as rug cleaning, rug repair, rug restoration, and pet odor & stain removal service. Our team of experts uses traditional rug cleaning and repair techniques to ensure that rugs are cleaned and repaired to the highest quality. We also provide consultation services to our clients on how to properly care for and maintain their rugs to ensure their longevity and value.

We understand the importance of maintaining and caring for Oriental and area rugs, and we take great pride in providing top-notch services to our clients. Our services are designed to meet the unique needs of each client and their rug, and we use only safe and eco-friendly solutions in our processes.

If you’re in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, and you need professional rug cleaning, rug repair, rug restoration, or pet odor & stain removal service, Oriental Rug Care is the company to call. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our services.


Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could.. https://www.orientalrugcare.com/about-us.html