Antique Rug Care Sunrise


Due to their beautiful designs and extensive history, antique rugs have a special attraction that draws enthusiasts from all over the world. These prized treasures provide charm and refinement to any area, whether it has a vintage design or a traditional one. To ensure their longevity and maintain its beauty for future generations, antique rugs need to be owned and maintained with great care. As specialists at Oriental Rug Care, we will offer priceless advice on antique rug cleaning tips in this blog that is targeted to the Sunrise, Broward region, where these priceless items flourish.

Why Antique Rug Cleaning Requires Expertise

When it comes to cleaning antique rugs, which are frequently made from delicate fabrics like wool, silk, or a combination of the two, need for a careful and sensitive approach. The fibers in antique rugs have already been subjected to years, and sometimes even centuries, of use and weather exposure. Therefore, a poor cleaning technique could lead to permanent harm, color fading, or even the unraveling of complex designs. It is essential to trust skilled experts who are knowledgeable in rug cleaning with the care of your priceless antique rugs.

The Best Rug Cleaning Process for Antique Rugs

Oriental Rug Care, a preeminent rug cleaning company in Sunrise, Broward, uses a sophisticated and tried-and-true method to clean and repair antique rugs. Your priceless rugs will be treated with the highest care and attention thanks to our innovative methodology, which blends cutting-edge methods with age-old knowledge.

  1. Inspection and Assessment

Before beginning any cleaning, our knowledgeable crew carefully inspects your antique rug. To find any stains, tears, or places needing extra care, we inspect the rug’s fibers, colors, patterns, and general condition. This phase enables us to choose the best cleaning technique for your rug.

  1. Dusting and Dirt Removal

Old rugs develop deep accumulations of dust, dirt, and debris over time. This accumulation can cause premature wear and degradation. We gently agitate the rug during our unique dusting procedure to remove imbedded particles using skill and cutting-edge machinery. This step is very important since it gets the rug ready for the rest of the cleaning procedures.

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  1. Gentle Hand Washing

Antique rugs demand a more delicate cleaning method than current machine-made rugs. Our staff use a conventional hand-washing procedure that incorporates gentle, environmentally friendly cleaning agents with skilled manual procedures. The rug is thoroughly cleaned using this method without damaging the fibers or dyes. Your rug won’t contain any harsh chemicals because to our commitment to environmentally safe procedures.

  1. Stain Treatment

Antique rugs frequently struggle with difficult stains and discolorations, which are frequently caused by unintentional spills or years of use. Our professionals have in-depth knowledge of the many kinds of stains and the proper ways to cure them. In order to properly lift stains while retaining the rug’s original colors and patterns, we use specific stain removal processes.

  1. Drying in a Controlled Environment

Our team thoroughly dries your antique rug in a controlled environment after the cleaning process is finished. In order to avoid mold or mildew growth, which can be particularly harmful to delicate fibers, proper drying is necessary. Our facility has air circulation and climate-controlled rooms to guarantee a secure and thorough drying procedure.

  1. Finishing Touches

Our team meticulously inspects your antique rug after drying to make sure it has been fully cleaned and repaired. In order to restore your rug to its former splendor, we also carry out any necessary repairs or restoration work, such as fringe repairs or edge binding.

Although owning an antique rug can be enjoyable, it also comes with the need to keep it beautiful and valuable for future generations. It’s better to leave the cleaning and maintenance of your prized rugs to professionals who are familiar with their particular needs. Our team at Oriental Rug Care, the top rug cleaners in Sunrise, Broward, takes pride in our unique procedure that blends cutting-edge technology with age-old knowledge to give your antique rugs the meticulous care and consideration they require.

Call Oriental Rug Care at 954-978-5737 or send an email to if you need help cleaning and restoring an antique rug. You can rely on us to maintain the enduring beauty of your antique rugs and keep them looking as spectacular as the day they were made.


Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could..