Rug Cleaning Company in Palm Beach


The Final Piece of The Mural Has Arrived!

Oriental Rug Cleaning Company Palm Beach: We are very excited today! Bill has been working on this mural for quite some time and today the final piece has arrived. This mural shows children from around the world. Since children are our future, we try to portray them in a positive setting. This mural has been made to cover all the storage space we have on top. This mural has numerous different children from around the world doing what they do best, being children! We welcome everyone to come in and see this beautiful mural. Get a glimpse at our shop and see why we are so proud of our plant. See our professional staff at work. We have technicians who are very experienced at what they do. We have two master weavers on site all day, every day. Our customer service department is fabulous. Together, we offer you the best oriental rug cleaning services experience you can get. Oriental rug care is the source for oriental rug cleaning. We are not an Oriental Rug Cleaning Company plant, we are a strict oriental rug cleaning plant. We have been in business for over 25 years and this is because we give our customers exactly what they pay for, clean rugs at a fair price. No gimmicks or games, just 100% top quality and satisfaction.

Expert Oriental Rug Cleaning Services in Palm Beach Area:

At Oriental Rug Care, we strive for cleanliness and customer satisfaction. Since our floors got a new makeover we have gotten so many positive compliments about the shine to them as well as the other cool features about them. Some customers ask why our floors are white. The best answer is that dirt shows on white better than any other color and because we want our plant cleaner than any other, we want to seek out any lurking spots of dirt, dust, and debris. We haven’t been in business this long because we cut corners, we take pride in knowing that we are the best! Since our floors are this clean, why wouldn’t we keep the rest of the plant clean?  We want you to feel that you have left your rugs in the hands of an experienced, caring professional. We offer you a clean, modern, skilled environment so that you are comfortable leaving your precious pieces with us.

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Please view our youtube video and see our mural and the plant floors for yourself. From top to bottom, we strive to be the best! Our plant is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00-5:30. We offer free estimates, pick up, and delivery. Your rugs will be safe in our care from the time that we pick them up to the time that we deliver them back to you. The Rug Cleaning Process usually takes about 3-5 business days. We ask that you call us to schedule a time and date that works for you. If you need repairs for your rug, we can also help you. Ask anyone of us about the services we can offer you. We are the only source for rug cleaning!


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