Oriental Rug Cleaning Services


Large Oriental Rug Cleaning Services Miami:

If you own a small rug, a large oriental rug, or even an extra-large rug, our 5,000 square foot plant is fully capable of thoroughly washing every square inch. We often get rugs of large size, but today one came in that was a bit larger than normal. We are happy to take on this challenge because again, we are fully facilitated to handle rugs of this size. We have even bigger rugs that have come in and were washed without any problem. If you own a rug of this size, we are also able to offer you a FREE estimate and pick up.

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When this rug was picked up for Large Oriental Rug Cleaning Services Miami, it smelled horrible due to pet urine -(Pet Stain Removal). The pet spots were all over the rug and the urine had already seeped into the bottom of the rug, know as the warps and wefts. This is the textile that holds your rug together.  Our Master Weaver knows all about warps and wefts since this is another one of our fine quality services that we offer here. We offer full repair and restoration services and your Oriental Rug never leaves our plant. We never, ever send any oriental rug that is brought into our plant to a third party for services that we say we offer.  We are not a switch and bait type of company, we say what we do and we do what we say. Since the day we opened our company in 1986, we have always tried to give our customers a 100%  satisfaction guarantee.

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Best Oriental Rug Cleaning Service Company

If you have been searching for the best oriental rug cleaning company to clean your rug, your search has finally ended. We are the type of company that you can trust, which will not mislead you with your Oriental Rug Cleaning Services or Rug Repair needs. We appreciate your business and we know that word of mouth referrals are the best kind of jobs that we can ask have. If we get a referral because we have done a great job,  then we know that we are full filling our promise to our customers happy and satisfied.  We have been successful for 28 years and we plan on being here for a long time.

Please feel free to call any one of our office numbers to schedule your FREE in-home estimate and pick up. If you have a rug of this size, we can handle it without any doubt or hesitation. Let us take care of the tedious work for you. We will roll up the rug, load it up into our van and drive it to our facility for cleaning. When your rug is cleaned and ready to be delivered, we will call you to deliver it at a time and day that is best for you.


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