Rug Cleaning


Professional Rug Cleaning Services:

Rug Cleaning Services has a thick, strong fabric that can withstand the passage of time exceptionally well, but sometimes this same fabric can play against it. You see, removing stains and odors from rugs requires a thorough cleaning by experts, to ensure that the odors are completely gone. A rug is exposed to many things, especially if it’s under the dining room or in the living room, and it can become filled with food debris as well as absorbs pet odors. Since these things cannot be prevented from happening, it is necessary to perform a cleaning that exceeds the customers’ expectations and returns a neutral smell to your rug.


No corrosive chemicals are used

You may have been recommended an overwhelming amount of chemicals that claim to be miraculous and take away any odor, but the reality is that these products are mostly a scam, and when they work they are so strong that they weaken the rug fabric, taking years off its life and damaging the colors.

To get out of these worries it is best to seek the assistance of professionals, taking special care that they work with handmade rugs. The difference between a hand-woven rug and a machine-woven one is that the former can be easily undone if it is not treated carefully, so you should always check the experience of your workers.

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It is possible to remove the odors completely

It may seem impossible, especially if you have had disappointing experiences in the past, but with the right technique, it is possible to remove any kind of bad odor, regardless of where it comes from. As an additional piece of information, we will tell you that oriental rug padding is a quite effective technique to protect the rug in the future since it is a protection under the rug that absorbs all kinds of liquids and odors and keeps it in perfect condition. There are many ways to take care of your rug, and we are willing to offer you all of them. You don’t have to say goodbye to your rug yet, as all the effective and safe rug repair and cleaning techniques are available to you at all times.

Our team has taken care of the restoration and repair of all types of Persian rugs cleaning services, no matter what size or color, with almost perfect results. We have extensive experience and put all our knowledge at your disposal so that your rug stays in the family for much longer. Rug Cleaning Services was created to pass from generation to generation, and our job is to help that happen. A job well done is capable of giving back the rug color correction and strength to any rug, and we want to show our words with actions.


Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could..