Homemade Carpet Cleaners

Best Homemade Rug Cleaners

The rug makes our home very beautiful and valuable. It needs special care. There is some homemade procedure to clean the rug.

A mixture of Vinegar and Water

There are effective Best Homemade Rug Cleaners ingredients already present in our home. Such a product is vinegar, which contains acetic acid for which is ideal for cleaning as well as bad odor removal from your rug. To make a thick paste mix the white vinegar with water. Then apply this paste to the stain with a soft brush or sponge and let it dry completely. Once the vinegar and water paste has dried out completely, vacuum the rug and you will notice that the stain will completely disappear.

Vinegar and Detergent

Using detergent and white vinegar can be another way. Mix it with liquid detergent and lukewarm water. Apply it with the brush on the removing Pet stain. Let it stay for some time, after which it can be rinsed with a damp cloth. For tough stains, the repeated application may be required.

Borax, Vinegar, and Salt

When you want to remove the stubborn stain and find that only vinegar can’t help you then you use it with borax or salt. Mix equal parts of salt, borax, and vinegar to make a thick paste. Then apply to the stained area and let it dry, after which it can be removed using a vacuum cleaner. For ink stains, a cream of tartar is very effective. Also, add a few drops of lemon juice to it and apply to the stain. Once the paste dries, vacuum the rug.

Baking Soda and Essence Oil

It’s found that there is some bad odor and you want to free from it, you can use the mixture of baking soda and essential oil and sprinkle it on the rug.

If all else fails, have your Best Homemade Rug Cleaners professional.  At Oriental Rug Care, we can help!

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