Round Oriental Rugs West Palm Beach


Oriental rugs are exquisite works of art that carry a rich cultural past; they are more than just floor coverings. Many homeowners value and treasure these items because of their great designs and vivid hues. However, these rugs need specific care and knowledge to retain their beauty and life. Oriental Rug Care can help with that. We recognize the value of these carpets and offer the best rug cleaning techniques to ensure their preservation as the top provider of Expert Round Oriental rug cleaning service in the West Palm Beach.

The Art of Oriental Rug Cleaning

Oriental rugs are frequently handwoven with delicate fibers, organic dyes, and complex designs. Because of their artistry, they are vulnerable to damage if not handled with extreme care. Although routine vacuuming and upkeep are helpful, dust, filth, allergens, and stains can build up over time and harm the rug’s general health and beauty. Professional Oriental rug cleaning is now necessary in this situation.

We at Oriental Rug Care take great pleasure in our knowledge of the industry. Persian, Turkish, Chinese, and other kinds of Oriental rugs are just a few of the varieties our team is qualified to handle. We are aware that every rug is different and needs a cleaning method that is specific to it. Your priceless rugs will receive the care and attention they require thanks to our unique rug cleaning process.

The Best Rug Cleaning Method

Utilizing the proper technique is essential when cleaning Oriental rugs to prevent harming the delicate strands and colors of the rug. Our business uses a rigorous and effective rug cleaning procedure that fuses cutting-edge technology with age-old methods.

  • Inspection: We start off by carefully inspecting your rug before we start cleaning it. To choose the best cleaning method, we evaluate the rug’s fibers, colors, and condition.
  • Dusting: Dirt and dust can embed themselves deeply inside the rug’s fibers, leading to dullness and abrasion. These specks are successfully eliminated by our delicate dusting method without harming the rug.

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  • Cleaning: To properly care for Oriental rugs, we utilize a mild but efficient cleaning solution. Your rug will be clean and vivid after using this solution to remove stains, pollutants, and grime.
  • Rinsing: We rinse the rug with a controlled volume of water to ensure that all cleaning products have been completely removed. This procedure is essential to preventing residue development and preserving the integrity of the rug.
  • Drying: Oriental rugs need to be dried thoroughly to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. We employ a controlled drying technique to preserve the shape of the rug and avert any moisture-related problems.
  • Finishing: To bring back the rug’s original softness and sheen, our professionals carefully groom its fibers. Additionally cleaned and hand-finished are any fringes or tassels.

Preserving the Oriental Rug’s Beauty

We distinguish ourselves as the best rug cleaners in West Palm Beach because of our dedication to maintaining the beauty and value of your Oriental rug. We are aware that these rugs frequently have sentimental significance and might be excellent investments. Through our cleaning process, you can enjoy their beauty for many generations to come while also improving their look and lengthening their longevity.

Why Choose Oriental Rug Care?

Your Oriental rugs‘ wellbeing depends on you picking the best rug cleaning company. For a number of reasons, Oriental Rug Care stands apart.

  • Expertise: Through years of work in the field, we have gained a thorough understanding of Oriental rug cleaning methods and supplies.
  • Attention to Detail: We pay close attention to detail and handle each rug with the respect and care it requires. Your rug will be handled carefully thanks to our attentive approach.
  • Advanced Technology: We mix conventional techniques with cutting-edge technology to get excellent results while preserving the integrity of the rug.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our main priority. With each rug we clean, we work hard to surpass your expectations since we take pride in what we do.

Contact Us

Look no further than Oriental Rug Care if you require professional Oriental rug cleaning in the West Palm Beach locations. Call us at 561-353-0428 or send us an email at to set up a consultation or to ask for further details. Let us assist you in maintaining the value and beauty of your priceless Oriental rugs.


Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could..