Flokati Rug Cleaning


Professionally Tribal Rug Cleaning Services Company:

Today was an interesting day here at Oriental Rug Care, my border terrier Eve who I had for 14 years was put to sleep because of her health and her suffering. It saddens me so much and the staff and ORC. Eve was a regular fixture at our company and loved going through the garbage cans looking for snacks and loved to find her way into the next room because the door was closed so she wouldn’t stray away from us. She was very curious.  She will be missed dearly.

The home that we shared has four Area Rug Cleaning Services, one, in particular, was her very favorite. It was the white Tribal Rug Cleaning Services that is in our TV room. She loved that carpet very much. As she got older, her hearing was lost so she couldn’t hear when we would come home. When we would walk into the apartment, we were always sure to find her sitting on her white Area Rug. I always found wool furies all over the apartment most likely because of her scratching away at the rug to make that perfect felling bed the way dogs like to do.

We sadly made the decision on Friday that we were ready for Evie to make the transition but our mobile vet said he could not come by until Monday. That was just perfect for us because we spent the weekend on the beach where she used to love to run up and down like a crazy dog looking to find a washed-up coconut on the shore and shred it up as she had done a hundred times before. This weekend though was different. Instead of her normal running and jumping routine, she was happy to just sit under her daddy’s knees and look at the ocean with no desire to run up and down the beach. She has done it and accomplished it and now it was time for her next great journey.

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Tribal Rug Cleaning by Hand:

The whole weekend I just couldn’t let her go, I picked her up every moment I had. She’s a terrier she doesn’t like to be held long, but now things changed and she allowed me to hold her like she was saying, “it’s fine Bill I’m ready.” Monday came and at 2 am she was banging on the crate and gasping for air, she was having a seizure or mini-stroke. I got out of bed held her and assured her that all would be fine. She went to bed and in the morning since the doctor was coming over at 10 I stayed home with her. When I wasn’t holding her she went over to the Tribal Rug, this time I put two pillows on the rug and lay next to her just wanting to take in every last minute I still had with her. “I love you, Evie,” I said over one hundred times or more.

The doctor arrived in his mobile vet and she made the transition with her two daddies by her side. We were so pleased to have had such a terrific companion for all these years. After the tears were done, I started rolling up all the Rugs to take them to my shop and have them washed and treated for Fleas or whatever might have ended up in them. I have to say, Adam, my partner pointed out that out of all the rugs in the house including the one room of wall-to-wall carpet, Eve never peed on the white Tribal Rug Cleaning Services.

We love you Eve and will cherish your memories always. Thank you for being a part of all of our lives, but for being you!


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