Care of Oriental Rug Boca Raton

Oriental Rug Cleaning Boca Raton: Oriental Rugs require extra special Cleaning if you want them to last for a long time. Most of them are handmade using 100% wool, but sometimes cotton is used too. These natural fabrics may feel nice against your skin when you walk on them, but they’re also susceptible to damage and wear.

It is common for people to leave their oriental rugs out in the open for everyone to see because they look so attractive and elegant. However, you’ll need to perform regular maintenance on your oriental rug if you do this. Otherwise, you may not get more than 10 years out of your rug before it falls apart completely.

Rug Hand Washing Service

The biggest threats to oriental rugs are water, pests, animals, and sunlight. If you can keep these elements far away from your oriental rug, then you’re already making significant progress in caring for it. Of course, it is not realistic to expect your oriental rug to remain completely separated from these elements. People don’t just purchase oriental rugs for display purposes. They like to walk, sleep, and sit on them too, including animals. So, extra special care must be taken to accommodate these luxuries.

Keep it Dry

An Oriental Rugs Cleaning Boca Raton is almost like an antique rug or Persian rug because it is fragile and sensitive to water. If your oriental rug is a woolen rug, then it can withstand more water damage than a cotton-based oriental rug. Cotton can rot away very easily if exposed to water, so be wary of an oriental rug made of cotton that gets wet.

Keep all potted plants off your oriental rug because you will likely spill water onto it. Also, you shouldn’t walk on the rug with your shoes on. It is easy to track water from the outside onto it, especially if it had rained before.

Rug Stain Cleaning Services

But if you accidentally got water onto your oriental rug, it is no big deal. You can take action quickly by hanging your rug in the garage to dry. It is not recommended to hang the rug outside because of the dirty air and sunlight. It may take a few days to air dry your rug in the garage, but that is okay. Just keep air circulating in the garage by offering adequate ventilation. Keeping the garage door open can help to some extent.

Maintain Pest Control

The two types of pests which pose the biggest threat to oriental rugs are rug beetles and moths. Both insects like to lay their eggs in the wool fabric of oriental rugs. For instance, one female moth could lay more than 200 eggs in your rug. Once the larvae hatch from the eggs, they’ll immediately eat the wool fabric to grow stronger.

Oriental Moth Cleaning

You won’t always notice the insect eggs simply by looking at your rug. So, you must take it upon yourself to vacuum your rug at least once per week. This can be done by taking your rug to a flat area, such as your garage floor, and vacuuming it dry. A vacuum will suck up all the hidden eggs and ensure the larvae don’t pose a threat to the rug.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Oriental rugs are known for their attractive colors and patterns. Unfortunately, many of the natural color dyes used on the fabrics will fade if they’re exposed to the UV rays of the sun over a long time period. There are some modern oriental rug makers who use synthetic dyes, but they’re not as powerful or attractive as natural dyes.

Rug Cleaning Company

The easiest solution is to keep your oriental rug away from windows where sunlight shines through. You could install sheer drapes over your windows to block the path of direct sunlight and reduce UV exposure to the rug. But if you cannot prevent sunlight from contacting your rug, then try turning the rug around periodically to even out the faded colors.

Cleaning the Rug and Dealing with Animals

Cleaning your oriental rug is the best type of care you can give it. Even if you’re careful enough to keep water and sunlight away from your oriental rug, what about dirt and dust? What about the animal hairs that will cling to the fabrics of the rug if you have pets? Then, of course, there is the risk of pets urinated or defecating on the rug. They may even chew on the rug if they’re unmannered.

Pet Odor & Stain Removal Services

Pet stain removal can be performed on your rug with baking soda and a good steam cleaning. But if your pets chewed up the edges of your rug, then rug repair and restoration is what you will need. Fortunately, we offer that service too.

Contact Us

Oriental Rug Care in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County can provide commercial quality oriental rug cleaning, care, repair, and restoration services. Contact us to find out more information.

Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could..

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