Machine Made Rug


Hand Made Modern and Oriental Rug Cleaning Services :

Today a walk-in customer came in and brought this Hand Made Modern and Oriental Rug Cleaning Service.  She was telling me about how long it took for her to find this rug and then her darn dog pee on it one day when she came home from work late.  Even though the rug was Oriental Rug Cleaning Service and maybe not worth a lot of money, she indicated that it took her a number of months to find this rug that complimented her room design.  She told us she found us on the internet and that her neighbor referred us to.

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Our modern rug cleaning process is really unique because we guarantee that we can get the odor out.  So if you should ever have an oriental rug that needs to be cleaned and thoroughly have the odor removed, call Modern Rug Cleaning today and we will take care of your rug.

Best oriental & Modern Rug Cleaners Service:

Rugs, especially Oriental and Modern rugs, need lots of tender love and care. After all, they are an expense, often costing a lot of cash. And you don’t crave that money going down the drain. So today, we’re going to discuss why you need to clean Modern rugs and how to preserve them for years to come.


Can You Steam Clean Oriental Rugs?

We do not recommend steam cleaning oriental rugs. While steam cleaning is a traditional modern rug cleaning method, it can cause substantial harm to antique rugs. You should never wash your rugs like you would your rug.

Steam cleaning puts a large amount of water into a rug, settling into the fibers and pockets. This water has no outlet, and few places have the facilities for drying a rug properly. Splitting a wet rug on your floor not only leaves your rug open to dry rot and mold it can also cause damage to your flooring. And, finally, the smell of wet dogs will be difficult to get out of your house.

Rugs are generally made of synthetic or facing fibers that easily allow rug cleaners to deposit and extract water through the steam oriental modern rug cleaning method. Most rugs, however, are made only from all-natural materials like wool. Wool is a composite fiber with scaling that can trap both water and soil. By combining water into your rug and leaving it to live in the dry-cleaning method, you might find your rug is becoming dirtier. This is because the soil has returned to mud and will be more challenging to move.

Expert Oriental rug cleaners can pass your rug through mechanical wringers and drying rooms to remove all the mist from a rug. This blocks dry rot and other water damage issues.


Home Care for Oriental Rugs

Like a Modern rug, a wool rug can hold kilos of dirt before it even begins to look dirty. This is because wool fibers have microscopic scales that can save ridiculous amounts of dirt. Further, the way a rug is made can create tiny pockets that hold soil.

To keep your rug active, you need to clean regularly, at least once a week. It would help if you also lifted your rug and vacuum under it. Dirt and grit can get caught between the rug backing and the floor. As you walk over the rug, the surfaces grind into the soil and spirit, using away the rug backing like sandpaper. Ensure you vacuum the exterior and back of your rug and floor at least once in 7 days to ensure your rug is stunning for years to come.

Are you concerned about your Modern and Oriental rugs? Looking for an expert cleaner who will treat your rug with the attention and respect it deserves? Contact the team at Oriental Rug Care today or use our online booking form. We also have a quote request form to request a quote for your rug before offering a booking. Our oriental rug care company also offers a convenient pickup and drop-off service for your rug.


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